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The auxiliaries of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. play a vital role in supporting the organization's mission and activities. Together, these auxiliaries enhance the effectiveness and reach of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc., fostering a collaborative environment that supports the personal and professional development of its members and the communities they serve.

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This Auxiliary is a group of women that assist the Sorors in their activities and programs but have not yet gone through the process of becoming a Soror.   These women support the sorority’s endeavors by contributing their skills, resources, and time to various events, community service projects, and mentoring programs.

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Men of Iota

The MOI auxiliary consists of male relatives and friends of Iota members who provide support through their participation in various activities and initiatives. They play a significant role in mentoring, community service projects, and assisting with the implementation of sorority programs.

Future Iota Leaders

FIL  is a youth group supported by the Chapter.  It includes both girls and boys ages 10-20. The youth engage in community service activities where they develop leadership skills and self-esteem.

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